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CBD For Depression And Anxiety

CBD for Depression and Anxiety

There are many far-reaching benefits for the use of CBD, which is why you may have heard about its rise in popularity. Today, we are going to focus on how its use can benefit sufferers of anxiety and depression and let you know how we at Bella’s Grace can help you if you struggle with either of these ailments.

According to the mental health charity, Mind, 1 in 6 people have reported having experienced a common mental health problem in any given week in England. Perhaps problems like anxiety and depression could be seen as the common cold of mental health issues, ranging from a sniffle to being bed-ridden. Whilst therapy and medication may be a solution for you, CBD for Depression and Anxiety has also been proven to have a positive impact on the symptoms of both anxiety and depression.

CBD for Depression and Anxiety


You may notice both psychological and physical symptoms of depression. Psychological signs usually involve a continuous low mood or sadness, coupled with feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. These feelings may be unexplained, and involve you not getting the same enjoyment of life as you have in the past.

Physically, you may speak or move slower than you normally do, and suffer from disturbed sleep. You may experience a change in appetite, along with a lack of energy and loss of libido, and it can even affect your menstrual cycle. These symptoms may result in an avoidance of contacting friends as well as hobbies and interests. If you find that there is some impact on your daily life in this way, you maybe be suffering from mild depression and CBD oil could offer you the boost you need.


Like depression, anxiety can present itself in a number of psychological and physical symptoms. In general, you may feel a sense of dread, and this may make you restless, so you find it difficult to concentrate. It can be difficult to know how to deal with feelings of anxiety, especially if a solution to your worries can’t be pinpointed. Often anxiety stems from feeling like we cannot control something, and sometimes it’s not possible to take action, which can also make you irritable.

Some people who suffer from anxiety can suffer from panic attacks, but there are numerous physical symptoms that may build up, such as a hard or fast heartbeat, shaking, nausea, shortness of breath, sweating, dry mouth and headaches. You may also suffer from muscle aches as well as pins and needles. Like with depression, it can affect your sleep, and make you feel tired. Again, if you notice these symptoms are having a negative impact on your day-to-day life, then some CBD oil could alleviate some of these symptoms.

How Does CBD Help Depression and Anxiety?

CBD works by helping to restore any imbalances you may have within the endocannabinoid (ECS) system in your body. Whilst many people have reported how CBD enables them to manage their depression and anxiety, CBD is not a medically proven solution.

We would always recommend to communicate your health issues with your GP, especially if you take or plan to take any prescription medication. You may want to take CBD as an alternative to medication along with some therapy, but you should always make sure to check there are no potential adverse interactions if you have any prescribed medicines, whether for your mental health or otherwise.

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Contact Us

To discover for yourself how CBD could help you with your anxiety or depression, please feel free to get in touch with us by completing our online contact form. Alternatively, you can speak to a member of the team directly by calling us on 0800 118 1610. You can also join our Facebook group. Or you can complete a short quiz to find out what products would be best for you. We would be pleased to help you with any queries you may have for us.



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